
Capacity building – Government of Lesotho

The Kingdom of Lesotho, a country situated in Southern Africa, currently with a population of just over 2 million, has over the past years embarked upon a drive to improve transparency and accountability within the public service and ensure macroeconomic stability. This was undertaken through a Public Sector Modernization Programme targeting various Public Financial Management Reforms including the strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework, transparency of the budget process, strengthening of the internal audit, public procurement, cash management, financial reporting and external oversight functions respectively. Good governance and strong accountability are needed in the public sector to provide a conducive and stable environment for investments to enhance economic growth of the country. Risk management is an integral component of good governance framework that enables a proactive approach to addressing risks and allows for suitable accountability.


Government is committed to the optimal management of risks to achieve its vision, mission and objectives. The management of risks is done through an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and monitoring of strategic and operational risks and opportunities. Sound and sustainable risk management enables the Government to anticipate and respond to changes in its environment and to make informed decisions under conditions of uncertainty.



The approach to risk management (ERM) has been adopted by the Government. It ensures a structured and systematic process of risk management within a unitary framework that is aligned to the Government’s governance responsibilities. ERM shall be embedded in the governance and control systems of all MDA’s and processes to ensure that Government’s response to risk remains current and dynamic.

The capacitation program is built around the ERM Framework and includes video's, documents, practical exercises and quizzes to test the knowledge gained.

COSO 2017 model

The key elements that will turn risk into results are depicted below:

Course Features

  • Lectures 26
  • Quizzes 17
  • Duration 52 weeks
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 9
  • Certificate No
  • Assessments Yes


  • COSO 2017 - updated ERM Framework

Target audiences

  • Chief risk officers, risk owners, risk managers and internal auditors
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