
Risk-based Internal Audit Plans

Internal auditors need to make a difference in local government as the continued effort to ensure sustainability and effective service delivery lack the desired results. As value creators we need to use our unique position to drive the change. We need to be likelihood change agents.


To build the capacity of internal audit practitioners on the development of risk-based internal audit plans in line with the relevant standards and prescripts and to deliver government projects efficiently, effectively and economically ensuring value for money towards improved service delivery.

The aim is to transfer knowledge and skills through training, thus enabling officials to develop risk-based audit pland that is aligned to the organization’s strategic objectives, goals, and relevant standards and prescripts.

Key result areas

  1. Increased professionalism of public financial management within all spheres of government;
  2. enhanced capacity of Provincial Treasuries to perform their roles with respect to provincial departments and municipalities; and
  3. Improved capacity of municipalities to management public funds and deliver services.

Specific outcomes

  1. Deliver roll-out plans with time frames for the structured short learning program;
  2. Use relevant outcomes-based course material as designed by National Treasury;
  3. Deliver the training in a mostly practical manner using public sector case examples;
  4. Establish systems to maintain learner’s records and progress;
  5. Facilitate the delivery of 11 sessions across the country wherein there is one session per province and two training sessions for national departments;
  6. Record, monitor and retain structured details of training provided to the learners;
  7. Perform the required formative assessment of the learners as per the assessment guide;
  8. Facilitate, analyse, record and report on the course feedback evaluation statistics and results;
  9. Summarise the debriefing of the outcomes of the assessments and the overall short learning programme;
  10. Provide a comprehensive report to national Treasury on the learner’s performance and any gaps identified on the material together with recommendations; and
  11. Develop and submit an inception report, Interim Report, Draft Final and Final Report.



Course Features

  • Lectures 8
  • Quiz 0
  • Duration 50 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 2
  • Certificate No
  • Assessments Yes

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