
Risk management (SAQA ID 116339)

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Service delivery to citizens not only means the provision of basic amenities, but also talks to the dignity of a nation. Availability of basic services improves the overall quality of life that can be afforded to citizens. It also talks to the millennium development goals which our country as a global citizen has committed to. Government service delivery continues to feature prominently in the media and in our public sphere in general – marked by heated public debate or scenes of organised protest by disgruntled citizens or ratepayers demanding better delivery of basic services such as water, housing, sanitation or road maintenance at community-based forums.

Accredited training

Training dates


10 and 11 August 2023

Online with facilitator

23 and 24 August 2023



Current state of affairs

Course Features

  • Lectures 14
  • Quizzes 5
  • Duration 16 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 847
  • Certificate Yes
  • Assessments Yes
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