Internal Auditing
Internal auditors are not making the contribution defined in the Legislation or delivering to the expectations of National Treasury. In a world where state capture, fraud and corruption, unethical behaviour, irregular expenses and fruitless and wasteful expenditure hits the headlines of daily newspapers, the taxpayer has a valid question:- “Where was internal audit when this went wrong?”
NextStepAcademy has designed 10 courses that cover must-have skills. These courses were designed by seasoned professionals with a practical background to assist the public sector internal auditor to change their impact on government. It focuses on value creation rather than value preservation.
With the current economic climate, training budgets have been slashed, leading to a very high cancellation rate of Leadership Academy training courses.
We believe we need to get auditors back in the training room without delay, and we have slashed our prices as well. How do we do that? NSA is a virtual training company without expensive offices, we employ not one single administrative employee as our platform is automated, bookings can be done on-line, venues are only paid for when used, and the more courses you attend, the cheaper the price will be.
As training courses build on each other, you do not have to pay for knowledge you already have. You only pay for new skills. Some training should be free, and if you do a course with us, you get e-learning training courses for mahala – forever.
Training courses will be charged at R3000 per person for 2 days, and R3800 per person for three days, VAT inclusive.
Internal Auditing
Internal auditors are not making the contribution defined in the Legislation or delivering to the expectations of National Treasury. In a world where state capture, fraud and corruption, unethical behaviour, irregular expenses and fruitless and wasteful expenditure hits the headlines of daily newspapers, the taxpayer has a valid question:- “Where was internal audit when this went wrong?”
NextStepAcademy has designed 10 courses that cover must-have skills. These courses were designed by seasoned professionals with a practical background to assist the public sector internal auditor to change their impact on government. It focuses on value creation rather than value preservation.
With the current economic climate, training budgets have been slashed, leading to a very high cancellation rate of Leadership Academy training courses.
We believe we need to get auditors back in the training room without delay, and we have slashed our prices as well. How do we do that? NSA is a virtual training company without expensive offices, we employ not one single administrative employee as our platform is automated, bookings can be done on-line, venues are only paid for when used, and the more courses you attend, the cheaper the price will be.
As training courses build on each other, you do not have to pay for knowledge you already have. You only pay for new skills. Some training should be free, and if you do a course with us, you get e-learning training courses for mahala – forever.
Training courses will be charged at R3000 per person for 2 days, and R3800 per person for three days, VAT inclusive.